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Projects in Master’s Degree



Title Traffic-load-responsive Intersection Management for Mixed-traffic Conditions
Summary Formulated a novel traffic-load-responsive method to manage a mixed-traffic intersection, i.e., an intersection containing connected autonomous vehicles (CAVs) and non-connected vehicles (NCVs), by utilizing our novel Traffic-Adjusted Least Laxity First (TALLF) scheduling.
Supervisor Prof. Manabu Tsukada
Language Python
Simulator OpenCDA, CARLA


  1. 26th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2023)
Title Mixed-traffic Intersection Management using Traffic-load-responsive Reservation and V2X-enabled Speed Coordination
Summary A novel cluster-based reservation for mixed-traffic intersections with traffic-load-responsive scheduling. V2X communication is also added to enable CAVs to reach the optimal crossing speed.
Proposed methods TLLRIM + VESC
Author and co-authors Nicholaus Danispadmanaba Yosodipuro, Ehsan Javanmardi, Jin Nakazato, Yasumasa Tamura, Xavier Defago, Manabu Tsukada
Publication type International conference
Location Bilbao, Spain
Paper link TBA

Research demo


Other projects (college assignments, etc)

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